Eligibility Checklist
The Owl Collaboration welcomes applications from organisations that are:
- Registered UK charities.
- Outdoor Learning Centres who provide environment, nature or farm-based learning experiences. Centres that provide outdoor activity but with environment and nature-based activities (e.g. bush craft) as a secondary activity will not be eligible.
- Provide residential accommodation for school groups. Whilst we will consider quality permanent camping sites, we would prefer to fund sites with full residential facilities, such as bunk rooms.
- Currently already engage with, and provide outdoor experiences for, young people from areas of high deprivation.
- Willing, and have the capacity and capability, to engage with schools, teachers, students and families during a lockdown situation (e.g. via online platforms).
- Able to support provision for young people who are underserved for reasons of poverty.
- Able to accommodate young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
- Able to accommodate young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including access arrangements.
- Able to demonstrate an inclusive ethos and consideration for diversity.
This grant is for Outdoor Learning Centres and The Ernest Cook Trust will not fund:
- Organisations based outside the UK
- Individuals
- Schools, Multi-Academy Trusts or other educational institutions
- Local Authorities
- Political campaigns
- The promotion of Religion. Faith organisations may apply, as long as there is clear benefit to the local community and not just those of a particular faith
- Sole traders
- Anyone who is applying on behalf of another organisation
- Organisations without at least two unconnected people on the board or committee
- Companies that are aimed at generating profits for private distribution